Infogroup / Data Axle


Platform internal tooling


User research exposed that the time and effort to ingest, cleanse, compile and distribute data took anywhere from 6-7 weeks and Infogroup was providing dated data to customers. Each of the processes, tools, systems and teams used in compilation workflows presented their own challenges and varied definitions for quality. The majority of these tools were built on a ASCII character key code based systems, were difficult to learn, near impossible to revise, and were stored on premise on an archaic AS/400 database in Omaha NE.


Combine and standardize the many workflows into one cohesive tooling platform. Provide a more transparent, efficient and accurate cloud-based tooling system.


User research, collaboration, UX design, UI design, iteration.

I would be happy to present in person.


  • Platform solution that streamlined data compilation. Updates to business records that previously took 6-7 weeks for data ingestion, cleansing, and distribution, now took less than 24 hours and were available via API linked to a singular business database hosted on AWS.

  • Cloud-based tooling system that enabled internal employees to validate or invalidate new data signals and quickly create, append or replace values on existing business records.

  • Simple CTAs and affordances promoting awareness, trust, and engagement

  • Consistent interaction patterns, common taxonomy, standardized components

  • Improved accuracy and fill rate with easier access to data in the cloud.

my role:

User research, UX design, UI design, constant iteration, general empathy.


Online documentation


Documentation was created and disseminated by multiple sources which created a versioning and accuracy problem.


Reduce inconsistencies and make our documentation accessible from one consistent location on the platform website. Utilize Data Axle visual system, including illustrations and infographics to simplify complex concepts.


Collaboration, solicitation of feedback and iteration.


  • Easily accessible online documentation

  • Sales teams, technical support teams and end-customers had access to the most current documentation from one consistent, trusted source.

  • Illustrations helped lighten the stuffy technical tone providing approachable aspects of life and emotion.

  • Verbiage, taxonomy and overall messaging updated and adjusted through iteration as our offerings evolved.

various documentation pages


additional illustrations


my role:

User research, UX design, UI design, constant iteration


Data Axle platform definition & branding


We needed to differentiate our team from the pack. The problem was that there were a number of other broadly supported data compilation processes within Infogroup that were dated, time-consuming, costly, and involved multiple points of potential failure. These processes were supplying an inconsistent data structure, and varying levels of accuracy and fill rates.


Create a logo and visual identity system positioning Data Axle as the most trusted, comprehensive platform quality driving and innovation within Infogroup. The logo was needed to visually differentiate Data Axle’s offerings internally and in customer conversations, as it would be used on the platform’s website, internal tooling, data compilation UIs and various business collateral.


Collaboration, solicitation of feedback and iteration.

  • A logo inspired by three main functions of the platform’s technology: data ingestion, data cleansing and real-time data distribution and availability.

  • Modern visual representation differentiating the platform team from previous dated data solutions

  • “Data Axle” platform name became synonymous with trust and data quality to Infogroup customers. Within a few years, Infogroup rebranded to Data Axle with core tenets informed by our logo effort.



my role:

Identity creation, color theory definition, business collateral creation, office environment theming.


Platform visual system


No visual language or conduit to convey complex data compilation in simplified terms.


Communicate platform advantages to a less-technical, non-development minded demographic within our customer’s organizations. Simplify and reframe the technical documentation into a illustrated visual narrative, without minimizing, duplicating or dumbing down the content.


Collaboration, solicitation of feedback and iteration.


  • A visual identity system expanding on the messaging and intention behind the platform’s logo creation (data ingestion, data cleansing and real-time data availability).

  • Illustrations and infographics, connecting real-world use cases with capabilities platform data would provide organizations.

  • Levity to the dry technical documentation focused solely on implementations.

  • Encompass consumer and B2C database content.

  • More approachable and consistent visual language.

Business, Consumer and B2C Database Artwork

Infogroup has three distinct databases; Business data, Consumer data and B2C data represented with the artwork below. Each database included a variety of related segments that customers can select and choose to license.



The Data Axle platform had seven APIs represented by distinct artwork speaking to their core functionality. Aspects of search, submit and subscribe are present within each API and represented in discussions visually with the small icons below.


Platform artwork

Illustrations and infographics supplemented conference media, presentations, monthly newsletters and email blasts, providing a more colorful and approachable understanding of the concepts and technologies.


Conference animation - Narrated by our CTO at the conference (narration not available).

my role:

User research, System definition, UI design, illustration, constant iteration


Self signup / free trial workflow


Product managers were regularly randomized with new or prospect customer discussions about our data solutions, technologies, setting up free trials and providing general introductory hand holding.


Provide a self signup workflow enabling customers to signup for a free trial of the platform APIs and technologies. The assumption was that providing availability and process for self signup content would in turn provide education of our data model and set valuable expectations for future user engagement. Users could select and filter more or less relevant datasets to their businesses needs while learning about our offerings in the process. This meant less sales and support attention and a significant cut in those associated costs.


Collaboration, solicitation of feedback and iteration.


  • A workflow where customers could signup for a free 30 day trial of our business, consumer or B2C data.

  • Empowered customers with hands on engagement

  • Substantial increase in self-signup activity

  • Dramatic reduction of customer support required from sales and platform support teams.

  • Enabled reprioritization of time for other important business initiatives.

  • Operational cost savings for internal sales and support teams due to the reduction in initial customer engagement

  • Highlighted the need to expand self service efforts

my role:

User research, UX design, UI design, constant iteration